
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Notes to my readers

Jan 30,2013

Sorry for not updating for so long,I'm just too busy and lazy lately.I've said this already,I am not an avid fan,so I just write whenever I felt like it.I am not supporting any of the pairings involved in this topic,so I am not doing any of this just to support a certain pairing.I'm just truly entertained to see how people can interpret the story differently.

I assure you (everyone) that I am going to finish what I have started.Only,it will take me some time ^.^' I have a life anyways.Plus,I do really like going in details so it will really take some effort.With this,I am so happy to see that there are some people who are patiently waiting for my updates...

and thanks for those who are following me...(maybe if I see a lot more,I might write faster,LOL).