
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ichiruki vs Ichihime : Do they really have an equal possibility? (REWRITE)

               BLEACH Romance,rather,Ichiruki vs Ichihime debate really caught my attention so much.I am very entertained to see how they are interpreting the story,and how the shippers used to interpret the scenes in favor of the pairing that they liked.I got really excited to see which one really have the upper hand on this issue,so,I've taken the liberty to read the manga as well,and make my own analysis about the topic.I noticed that most of my interpretations are different from most of the readers of the manga,so,I've decided to share it with everyone as well...


               Some short history as to how did I started to get interested with the Ichiruki vs Ichihime debate.

And this is for the non shippers that believes that...

There is no Romance in BLEACH

Anyways,here are the topics that I am going to discuss...

BLEACH Romance : The Most Misinterpreted Scenes in BLEACH Manga

BLEACH Romance : The Most Misisnterpreted Chracters from BLEACH

BLEACH Romance : Common Arguments 

note : This is still on going,since I am a very busy person,and I couldn't finish everything right away,so please be patient ^m^

BLEACH : chapter "Blank" : Orihime convinced Ichigo to save Rukia

       "Ichigo went to the SS to save Rukia because Orihime convinced him."

       This is one of the most amusing argument that I have seen in every debate threads that I've visited.

Here's what some people used to say about this...

ichigo wondered why did he had to save rukia when she was originally not belonged to the real world until orihime showed him that rukia did belonged here and saving her life takes up the utmost top priority. 

though i can't help but to remind you that while ichigo said it was strange that the world still went on without rukia.....he did say 'why bother saving rukia?'. only orihime put him into the right perspective that ichigo needs to save rukia because if he doesn't she's going to die.


       Ichigo never said "why bother SAVING RUKIA?"...Where on earth was the "SAVING RUKIA" part of his statement?I suggest to reread the "Blank" chapter,so you could see it with your own eyes.

When Ichigo said "why bother",he was talking about this...

       Ichigo is bothered because everyone forgets everything about Rukia.Nothing went out of place,even though she was not there anymore...the world just keeps on going,as if it was the normal thing,like,she never existed at all.Although,Ichigo knew that Rukia was originally from the SS,and she doesn't really exist in the Human World.Since it's just normal that they won't remember her because she doesn't really exist in the Human World,"why bother?" (that nobody remember her).

For further elaboration,let's take a look at him again when Rukia was taken away...

Fast forward...

       Urahara noticed that Ichigo didn't want to be saved,in other words,he'd rather die than being saved.Ichigo couldn't stand the guilt of not being able to protect Rukia,and the fact that it was him who have been protected by her instead.

That's why,he was like this...

       Ichigo was so frustrated that he cannot follow Rukia at the SS and save her,he thought that there is no way he can follow her there.

...and this is how he reacted after hearing from Urahara that there is a way for him to follow her at the SS...

       Ichigo's reaction was very quick,to the point that he even rose up from the bed immediately,despite the fact that he wasn't fully healed yet.

Let's take a look at him,just a few moments ago...

       Seems like,he forgot all the pain after hearing that there is a way for him to follow Rukia at the SS,he finally have the chance to save her.

...and this is how he reacted after hearing Urahara's conditions,before he lets him go to the SS...

       Ichigo gets angry with Urahara's conditions,he didn't want to go under any training.He wanted to go and save Rukia,right away,even though he was not fully healed yet.

...and this is what Urahara did,in order to make him listen...

       He's so handful,isn't he?Then,Urahara explained to him,that in his current condition,there is no way that he could save Rukia.He doesn't have enough strength/power to be able to save her.He'll only end up dying,that's why,he needs to train and become stronger.Yet still,Ichigo couldn't accept his deal...

Then,Urahara explained everything to him...

       After hearing the process of executing a shinigami,and learn that he still have a plenty of time to prepare for his mission to save Rukia,he responded with....

then,Urahara said...

...and asked him this...

which Ichigo responded with a...

Ichigo finally accepted Urahara's offer to train him first.

       Now,after going through that conversations with Urahara,after hearing the risks that he have to face in order to save Rukia,Ichigo have decided to accept Urahara's offer to train him first.Do you honestly think that Ichigo would change his mind,just because Rukia doesn't really exist in the Human World?,especially,even after accepting Urahara's conditions,which happened before he talked to Orihime?

       However,some people really wanted to undermine Ichigo's resolve for saving Rukia.Some people are saying that Ichigo is just obligated to save Rukia...

..and this is the proof that they usually brought up...

Ichigo : If I didn't do it,then,no one will.I guess I have no choice,let's give it a try.

Though (based from my own observation),this is what it meant...

"If I didn't do it,then no one will"

       Ichigo gets embarrassed with his sudden outburst when Urahara told him to train first,he didn't want to listen to him,to the point that the guy needed to cease him.After realizing that Urahara does have a point,he excused himself for saying "If I didn't do it,then,no one will." which is his way of explaining his behavior/eagerness to go right away,and save Rukia.Look at how he was scratching the back of his head (indicating that he was embarrassed).


       Ichigo knew very well that he is the only one who is actually close to Rukia.Orihime might be considered as a friend,and so was Chad,however,it wasn't up to the point that they would risk their life for her sake.Remember,Orihime accepted Urahara's offer to train her only to be able to accompany Ichigo,which is her utmost top priority.She went to the SS,only because Ichigo wanted to save Rukia.

Just like what Chad said here...

       Even Kyoraku was so surprised,because Rukia have stayed in the Human World in a very short time.There is not enough time for relationship development like friendship to reach a level that would make him (Chad/anyone) risk his life for her sake.Chad only responded "I may not know her enough to give my life to save her...however,Ichigo wants to save her.Ichigo went all out for her,and that's enough.That's all the reason I need,to put my life on the line for anything."

       Ishida,on the other hand have his own reasons for coming to the SS as well.All of them have different agendas for coming to the SS,only Ichigo is the one who came there solely for Rukia's sake.

and when Ichigo said "I guess I have no choice,let's give it a try"

he was talking about this...

       Even though Ichigo wanted to go right away,the gate to the SS still needs 7 days of preparation to open it.Not only that,he really needs to be stronger,so that he'll be capable of saving Rukia,which means that he really needs to take the 10 days of training,so,he doesn't have a choice but to give it a try.

       After seeing Ichigo's behavior from that chapter,it's really hard to believe that he would actually have a doubt,or lose/lack his resolve in saving Rukia,just because she wasn't originally from the Human World.

       Now,let's take a closer look at that so called Orihime convincing Ichigo scenes...

        As you can see,Orihime is not asking him a question,she was just stating what she sees in him (he was determined to save Rukia).Even though he knew that Rukia was back in the place where she really belonged,he's still going to save her.

When Orihime asked him "what do you think your doing?" it was for this...

       Orihime wants to show him that she knew what was bothering him.The thing that was actually bothering him was...Rukia's family and friends were at the SS too...

that's why,Ichigo wasn't sure about this...

       What is he going to do AFTER rescuing her?What if the SS tried to execute her again?Will he take her away from her family and friends,and take her back with him in the Human World,so that he can keep her safe?Is it the right thing to do?

       In case you haven't noticed,they are talking about the thing that Ichigo have to do AFTER SAVING RUKIA.This only shows that Ichigo was implying that he'll definitely succeed in his mission to save Rukia,hence he was already thinking of what he should do AFTER saving her.Will he bring her back to her family and friends in the SS?or,was it better if he take her with him in the Human World,so that he could keep her safe and avoid the possibility of being executed by the SS again.To make things short,Ichigo is worried for Rukia's well being.Will it be okay for her if she got separated from her family and friends?she might miss them so badly.

Besides,Orihime did say this...

       She knew that no matter how they tried to stop Ichigo from saving Rukia,he'll still go and save her.No one could ever change his mind

That's why,the only thing she could do is this...

       Orihime reassured Ichigo that Rukia would still have the chance of seeing her family and friends as long as she was still alive.In other words,even if he would need to take her with him,she can still have the chance of seeing her family and friends,since she was still alive,unlike if he brought her back with them (her family and friends) but gets executed again and died,she would never have the chance to be with them anymore.

That's why,I am saying that this...

only orihime put him into the right perspective that ichigo needs to save rukia because if he doesn't she's going to die. absolutely wrong,since Ichigo knew very well that if he didn't go and save Rukia,she would die for sure,he doesn't need anyone to tell him about it.

How did Orihime helped Ichigo here?

       Orihime did helped Ichigo here,there's no doubt about it.However,the way she helped Ichigo here seemed to be misinterpreted by some people.Orihime never convinced Ichigo to save Rukia,because she knew that no one can change his mind about that part.Orihime helped him clear his worry about Rukia's well being,which is "where she should stay" AFTER being rescued.Orihime helped him lessen the guilt for taking Rukia away from her family and friends at the SS.

       Now,let us see what Ichigo would say about this accusations (changing his mind for rescuing Rukia)...

       I hope that those people realize it now (though,I doubt it),how much they are making Ichigo look like a bad person.So much for a SHOUNEN hero.How come that people would think that he won't go and save Rukia,despite the fact that the reason why she was going to be executed,was him?That's rude.How come that he needs someone to convince him to save the woman who is going to die,because of him?,sigh.

Now,before someone brought up the DEBT issue...

Ichigo : I remember now,the reason why I wanted to save you so much/badly.

       Did Ichigo just happened to forget about his debt?which is the reason,why he came to save her?Ichigo said "I remember now" which means,it is only until then that he realized the reason why he is so eager to save Rukia.

Though,I saw him always talking about it here...

       Judging by the fact that he never forgets his DEBT,saying that he suddenly remembered the reason why he wanted to save Rukia so much,could only mean that there is something more about it. 

Friday, April 27, 2012


DISCLAIMER : I do not own anything here.BLEACH was Kubo Tite's,and the panels that I am going to use comes from different manga hosting sites.

NOTE : I am not implying that I am correct with anything that I am going to say,everything here comes purely from my own observations/analysis.I am not the author of BLEACH,it was KT,and I definitely do not know exactly what is he planning with the story.However,I am only going to use the manga and some of KT's words and works that is related to the story.Also,I might use some other mangas to explain my point (note : it is not meant to say that it would happen to BLEACH as well,nor it was to compare BLEACH with them).This is not meant to change anyone's opinion (since I know it won't happen),this is only for my own entertainment,and I just wanted to share it with anyone who is interested in the topic.

Something about me (kawaichappy)

               I am not a fan of ROMANCE,but I do love analyzing and criticizing stories.I'm not the type of a person who lets my emotion towards a character to hinder my way of interpreting a story.I can even watch a movie of the most hated celebrity if I found the story as something interesting,and I can even like their role/character in a story if I found them likable in my POV (no hard feelings,since I do not care about their personal lives).I cannot even be considered as an avid fan of any fictional characters nor celebrities,since I can only hold interest in some characters/anything for only a few weeks,months would make them remarkable (somehow).That's why,I don't even bother joining Fan Clubs,so,I am hoping that I won't see anyone telling me to get over with them because "they are just fictional characters,so deal with it" (you wouldn't imagine how much you are just going to amuse me for doing so),and I guess,even the shippers knew this very well.In short,I am saying that I am not a shipper,and I do not care if some people doesn't believe me.I don't hold any special feelings for any of the characters involve in this topic,and even if I happened to like any of them,that won't hinder my view of the story,'coz I don't like lying to myself,since it won't change the truth no matter how hard I tried to ignore/deny it.

How did this topic caught my interest...

               I originally watch the anime,but I stopped during the Bounto Arc because I have noticed a lot of OOCness,and much more,because I found it boring.During that time,I don't have any idea which are the filler episodes,since I don't read the manga.After 2 years (I guess?),I came to check the progress of the story,then I accidentally took a glimpse at the comments below the video (youtube,I am lazy to look at different sites),which I've never done before because I don't care about what other people think about it.I just watch a story,that's all.

               Now,on that fateful day (laughs),someone's comment really caught my attention,it says something like "Rukia was being replaced by Orihime as the heroine of BLEACH",my immediate reaction was...."Eh?,what happened to the story?".Then,I continued reading,that is when I saw the shippers debating about which paring has the most possibility in the story.After that,I searched some forums about the topic,and their discussions really amused me to no end.I am very entertained when I saw them showing proofs from the manga to prove their points (like lawyers in court).Their arguments makes me feel excited,so,I've decided to read the manga and see it by myself.After reading the manga,I've noticed that my interpretations was way different from most of theirs.

                As someone who really loves analyzing and criticizing stories,I've thought I wanted to do my own analysis about the said topic as well.Since this topic really caught my interest,I've decided to write an essay about it.

               So,there...I have shared you how and why did I started writing every essays here,feel free to share your opinions.Whether you are an IchiRuki or IchiHime doesn't matter to me.Only,try to be nice to me,since I am not here to argue with anyone,I am merely explaining my opinions about the issue,nothing more and nothing less,no hard feelings.If I found your arguments as something that makes more sense,then I might give it a consideration.


               Before anyone of you says that you disagree with my assumptions,I hope you'll tell me why.Tell me which part of my assumptions do you think are wrong and why,then show me your proofs from the manga.That would help me give you a fair analysis.

another NOTE :

               In my own perspective of something I could call UNBIAS,it doesn't have to show everyone that both parties have an equal possibility,especially,when the source of evidence is not showing that equality.Being UNBIAS in my opinion is giving a reasonable judgement,an assumptions that does have a basis from the evidences that are presented.Someone can only be accused of being BIAS,if their assumptions or judgement doesn't have a basis from their evidences.

Read here

               What I mean to say is like what is written in number 2.


a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice.

prejudice opinion formed beforehand, esp an unfavourable one based on inadequate facts

I hope you get what I mean there,other than that...please enjoy reading ^m^