
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ichigo's hollwfication : The "her" pronoun

            I thought that this is something that is absolutely irrelevant,I suppose its still good to put this argument here as well,after reading someone's comment here ^.^ (I am talking about the argument,concerning the famous "her" pronoun from Ichigo's words).

Yonderunda, kikoeru,which literally means...Calling, I can hear

 Tateyo,means...Stand up

tate, ore ga...means...Stand, I will

Ore ga,of course means...I will

Ore ga mamoru...means...I will protect...

How about here?

Again,I'll translate this for you...,(the last part,because it was a broken word) it was supposed to be read as -elp, from the word HELP.

tasu...keru means,HELP,he's pronouncing it like he was having a difficulty,so it was pronounced as broken words.

ore ga,again...means I will,and tasukeru as HELP.

   NO. pronoun. for. "her". None of the used words can be read with a pronoun with them.Not the word tasukeru neither the word mamoru.Besides,this sounds like Ichigo would not respond to the person who called his name,if it is not Orihime which is an obvious way of discrediting Ichigo's character as the one who loves to protect mountain loads of people.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Orihime's FLOL speech.

 Orihime : ...and then,for those 5 times.I'd fall in love with the same person.

                  As much as I agree that this was indeed a romantic scene,I still couldn't understand how some people (mostly Ichihime's) used to think that this can be used as a proof of Ichihime pairing possibility.

here's what they used to say about this...

"And then I watched episode 141. The pairing is just really obvious in those scenes, you know? It was hard to ignore… and also not to cry. XD The almost kiss + love confession from Orihime really touched me and that day I decided I would support these two. Because it just felt like they were the ones who had to end up together eventually. We could say that that was when I started to like and truly notice IchiHime."

                  I wonder how did a pairing became really obvious here,not to mention that the confession didn't come from the lead female of the story (it has a huge factor).As far as I know,a pairing needs TWO people involved,right?However,what's in this scene was a confirmation/confession from ONE character and not TWO.

                  This scene never showed that the Ichihime relationship has evolved.This scene only showed Orihime's feelings but not Ichigo's. 

                  This scene is just a proof that Orihime does love Ichigo romantically (because she said so),but not Ichigo and Orihime loves each other romantically.To put it bluntly,this doesn't show anything obvious about a pairing,but a character's feelings towards another character.

also,I couldn't help but to agree with what this certain people said in Ichiruki vs Ichihime thread.


"He's really clueless to her feelings which leads me to believe he doesn't take much time to try to understand her. Because for anyone who does it would be at least a little obvious how she feels for him. Ishida seems to have picked up her feelings for Ichigo, because he pays more mind to her than Ichigo does.Tatsuki seeems to know and she clearly cares for Orihime enough to pick up on it. You have to be utterly thick headed and really not understand Orihime (which Ichigo seems to fit the bill) to not know how obvious her feelings are."


"All of her "basic" understandings of him is because she spends so much time observing him. If Ichigo doesn't even notice THIS, that she's always a little more shy, a little more awkward around him, it shows that he doesn't take the time to observe her at all. He's more or less indifferent towards her when it comes to that. I've seen some IH shippers claim that Ichigo DOES understand Orihime more than anyone, but this is completely false that I don't even...excuse
me, what? ISHIDA is the only male character so far who has demonstrated an understanding of Orihime's feelings."

Link :

                   If Ichigo does really have a romantic feelings for Orihime,he would be able to notice her true feelings for him,just like Ishida does.A person in love likes to observe their object of affection,just like what Orihime always does,that's why she was able to notice the changes in Ichigo's behavior.Orihime was actually being obvious to her feelings,and I found it awkward that Ichigo doesn't notice it.

                   In any case,I agree that KT put this scene in the manga for a reason.However,was it to hint that Ichihime is going to happen?That,I wouldn't say anything,but as far as my observation goes...

the purpose of this scene is...

-To be able to understand why Orihime is acting like the way she is before and after this chapter.

             *Why is she fidgeting in front of Ichigo.
             *Why does she always talks about Ichigo.
             *Why is she daydreaming about him.
             *Why is she blushing in front of him.
             *Why does she wanted to accompany him at the SS,or wanted to protect him
             *Why does she wanted to be stronger and protect Ichigo.
             *Why is she jealous that Rukia was able to bring him back to normal.
             *Why is she crying when having the thoughts of Ichigo becoming happy after seeing Rukia again.
             *Why is she bothered by Rukia's huge importance to Ichigo
             *Why is she crying when Ichigo was hurt.
             *Why did she got scared of Ichigo's hollow form/mask?
             *Why is she trying to look at her reflection from Ichigo's eyes.
             *Why did she panicked after seeing Ichigo lying half-dead on the ground.
             *Why did she cried after seeing Ichigo was crying,even though her memory was messed up
                  I can go on and on,but the main point I was trying to say here is...She acts like that because she loves Kurosaki kun romantically,and we were able to know it all because of this particular scene,right?In other words,it is to give a reason for Orihime's behavior in the story.At least that is just up until now,and there's still 10 more years to go.However,I believe that people should start wondering now,as to why KT is being so adamant not to show any hint that Ichigo might reciprocate Orihime's feelings for him,especially,if he's really hinting for Ichihime possibility.