
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ichiruki vs Ichihime : Black Sun & White Moon vs White Sun & Black Moon

The rain drags black sun down,
But the rain dried by white moon.

               I honestly think that KT have made it clear from those illustrations that Ichigo is the "Black Sun" and Rukia is definitely the "White Moon" Therefore,I found it truly surprising  how the "White Sun" and "Black Moon" suddenly exist,so I came to see what made some people think that way.

...and here's what I found out...

click this ---> "Why Ichigo is the "Black Moon" and Orihime is the "White Sun"

Why Ichigo is the "Black Moon"

Despite the two Zodiac charts (tropical and sidereal), showing that Ichigo is both a Cancer and a Gemini, Kubo lists Ichigo as a Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon:

               Like being said,Cancer (Ichigo) is RULED by the "Moon".The Moon is not Ichigo's symbol,it was  the entity that rules his symbol (Cancer).In Zodiac,Cancer is Ichigo's sign (symbol),not the Moon.


A planet’s ruler shows what forces drive it along its evolutionary path;

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Ichigo = Cancer
Rukia = Capricorn
Orihime = Virgo

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The association between Saturn and the Black Sun as an alchemical and occult symbol is traditional. In alchemy, the Black Sun represents the nigredo stage of the alchemical operation, the stage of calcination or blackening of the first matter by burning.

Finally, another of the epithets of Saturn in ancient astrology is "Great Lord Dark Sun" and "Son of the Sun." In these symbols, the Black Sun is conflated with Saturn himself.

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In alchemy he is the black sun , which many people misinterpret as black hole or another Sun in the solar system it was a metaphor for Saturn among alchemists.

Saturn is Capricorn's (Rukia) ruling planet.

               Do you see the correlation between the two now?If you haven't noticed,KT  made a not so obvious hints there.

Cancer ( Ichigo) is ruled by the Moon
Capricorn (Rukia) is ruled by Saturn that was associated with the Black Sun

which means...

                Cancer (Ichigo) is ruled by the Moon.Whoever it was that was associated with the Moon is the one that drives Ichigo in his evolutionary path.On the other hand,Capricorn (Rukia) is ruled by Saturn,which means that whoever it was that associates with Saturn (the Black Sun) is the one that drives her in her evolutionary path.


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Capricorn is Cancer's opposite sign in the zodiac, 180 degrees away.

also,did you know that even in GEOGRAPHY...

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as you can see...

               Just like how the Sun and the Moon,Day and Night,Man and Woman,North and South....Cancer and Capricorn does have the same relationship with each other.They are the opposite,the equal,and the other half of each other.

...let's now move on to this part...

The cover of volume 19 is Ichigo, and is titled “Black Moon Rising”. Chapter 162, where we first see Ichigo using his bankai, is also titled “Black Moon Rising” (it’s also the only chapter in “Bleach” history to be a completely colored chapter.)

Look at Ichigo's powers, it's all about the moon:

Zangetsu (斬月)- cutting moon
Getsuga Tenshō (月牙天衝) - heaven-slicing lunar fang
Tensa Zangetsu (天鎖斬月) - heavenly chain cutting the moon

"月" is the kanji for "moon".

               Like being said,it was Ichigo's powers,it is not Ichigo.Though (Tensa) Zangtsu is a part of Ichigo,it doesn't mean that he is (Tensa) Zangetsu as well.(Tensa) Zangetsu is Ichigo's power,he is definitely not Ichigo.

With the defeating of Aizen, Ichigo's powers are fading away, thus the black moon crumbling:

Hmm,allow me make things a lot easier for everyone...

               Ichigo uses his Final attack "Mugetsu",which means "Moonless Nights",in order to defeat Aizen.After defeating AIZEN,Ichigo loses his shinigami powers,which is Zangetsu.

Zangetsu = Black Moon (from those sketches)
Mugetsu ( Moonless Nights ) = Black Moon crumbling
Ichigo + Mugetsu = Ichigo - Zangetsu
Ichigo - Zangetsu = Ichigo - "Black Moon" = Ichigo still the "BLACK MOON?"

               Besides,in case people are forgetting,Hollow Ichigo is also a part of Zangetsu,and he is white,isn't he?Hollow Ichigo is the WHITE Zangetsu,so...


SWASTIKA 1: Ancient occult symbol of the sun and the four directions. Revived by Hitler, it represents racism and the "white supremacy" of neo-nazis. Like other occult symbols, it is often placed inside a "circle".

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Ichigo's power is not ALL about the Moon.


               As you can see form those pages,Isshin's attack had the same name as Ichigo's "Getsuga Tensho",and his Zanpakuto's name is Engetsu (剡月, Scathing Moon)...could it be that Isshin was Orihime's Black Moon ^.^V

Why Orihime is the "White Sun"

Ch. 236 "The SUN Has Already Gone Down", quote fromUlquiorra:

               The encircled dialogue is what Ulquiora meant when he said that "The sun already set in our hands".He is not talking about Orihime.


The sun is an emblem of glory and brilliance. It is also a symbol of authority. It represents happiness, life and spirituality. The rising sun is a symbol of hope. The sun, when not rising, is always blazoned the “sun in splendour.”

               In BLEACH case from the chapter "The Sun Already Gone Down",when Ulquiora said that "the sun already set in our hands",it means that he is already claiming their victory.Ulquiora's words says it clearly,"You no longer have a chance" (Chance = HOPE).He was saying that the Sun was already set in their hands,therefore,it means that there is no tomorrow/future waiting for Ichigo and the Shinigami's.All tomorrows will be in their favor.

               Before someone brings me that it might be because they have Orihime on their side,let me remind you that Orihime being on their side didn't gave them any assurance of winning the battle.First,they never used Orihime's powers during the war.Secondly,Ulquiora used to see them (Ichigo and the Shinigamis) as TRASH to think that they will need Orihime in order to win the war.

               Ulquiora was undermining their enemy's abilities,he couldn't even see them being able to infiltrate their place,as you can see from the page above.Therefore,saying that Ulquiora was talking about Orihime's kidnap (she was finally on their side),won't fit for this argument.

I'll try to make things more simple again...

The sun has already set in our hands = There is no tomorrow/future waiting for Ichigo and Co.
The "Sun" setting in the enemy's hands = HOPE/victory is set in the enemy's side
Sun = HOPE not Orihime

Ch. 283, Orihime emitting rays like the sun:

               Orihime emitting rays like the sun?(laughs),I'm so sorry,I don't mean being rude,but...seriously?Are this people haven't used to reading mangas?

Woah,there are so many characters that emits rays like the sun,don't you think? ^.^'


                It is also used to indicate where is that voice coming from,or where did a certain character came from,as well as indicating that something or someone is approaching...

just like here...

the lines from that panel indicates that the hollow was approaching Ichigo.

The direction of the lines shows where Ginjou came from

The lines from that panel indicates that the nakamas are running away from Aizen

just like...

                Those lines from that panel indicates the direction of the voice (where it came from).It was definitely not Orihime emitting rays like the sun.I will never use the anime as a proof,since they tend to CHANGE some particular scenes,and they aren't Kubo either for them to know exactly what he really meant there,so...

trying to make things more simple again...

Lines around Orihime = showing the direction of where the voice came from.
Orihime emitting rays like the sun = non existent

Ch. 313, quote from Aizen:

               If you haven't noticed,Aizen is referring to a DARKENED SUN in his statement.As far as I know,DARK never had the same meaning as WHITE in any aspect,neh?Aizen was referring to Orihime's lacking of HOPE,which will bring sadness.

               Although,let's say that Orihime was indeed the Sun here,where is the indication that she was the "White Sun"?Also,Aizen's statement about the so called Orihime as the Sun,never correlates with anything about Ichigo being the Black Moon.

for example...

KT could have made Aizen say something along the lines of...

"You should smile,for a DARKENED SUN will only bring sadness (insert) to the Moon."

There are also scientific reports stating that the sun is white:

                I don't think the Sun's actual color has something to do with KT's symbolism.I am going to discuss about it at the latter part of his essay.


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The Sun has many colours and because of the intensity of those colours our eyes can’t take them all on that is why it appears white. But because it has strong lines of yellow it gives that slight yellowish tint. So it is safe to say that

the Sun is white with a yellowish tint.

click this ---> Ichigo x Orihime x Rukia's connection

                If you read the essay from that link,you can easily figure out that the author was so adamant to try connecting Orihime with those poems from SOUL's and VIBE's (despite the fact that he/she thinks that it was not romantic),and surmising that the reason why only Ichigo and Rukia are in the covers is because they are the male/female leads at the time.

After agreeing that Rukia is definitely the "White Moon" that dries the rain...

I wish I could say this was fact, but unfortunately it's mere speculation: I think Rukia dried up the rain that was plagueing his life at that time. I've wondered (and *I* think it's true, at least^^) if the rain came back the day Orihime was captured and Ichigo found out about it? I can't really confirm it or anything, but Zangetsu did say that whenever Ichigo was sad, it rained (in his inner world). It's quite clear that Ichigo was heavily distressed after Orihime's capture.


               Zangetsu said that the rain had stopped,meaning it wasn't raining there.Everything is just drowning at the bottom of the ocean inside his inner world...

and it is because of this...

and what is the source of his despair?

               Aside from this,it never rained when Orihime was captured,and it never rained even after Ichigo finds out about her abduction...

unlike here...

It rained when Masaki died...

It rained when Rukia was arrested and was going to be executed in SS.

               And lastly,it rained when EVERYONE was against Ichigo,he thought that he was going to lose his bonds with them.

               Interesting,isn't it?Only Orihime's capture doesn't have a rain.This only shows that KT is not highlighting Orihime's capture that much.I wasn't trying to undermine Orihime's importance to Ichigo,but you have to realize that Rukia's importance/relationship/bond with Ichigo will definitely have more emphasis in the story since they are the Hero/Heroine of BLEACH.Orihime's importance always come along with the NAKAMAS.

In any case,the assumptions about the rain coming back is brought up,because of this....

(ten o tozasu taiyou)
The sun that locks Heaven.
(yoru o hazuru tsuki)
The moon that eclipses the night.

So in a way, Ichigo and Rukia are connected in their "moon" attacks, and Ichigo and Orihime are connected in that Ichigo ALSO has a "heaven" related attack, and Orihime's powers are all associated with Heaven...3 times...just like Rukia and Ichigo have 3 attacks... XD

So whooh! Once again, it's all OriIchiRuki FTW. **is shot**

                Ichigo's Zanpakuto has only one attack as far as I know (minus Mugetsu),and it is "Getsuga Tensho",right?O.o...or you can count it as two including the Black Getsuga,though it only changed it's color since the Black Getsuga was originally his hollow's technique.Other than that,Zangetsu and Tensa Zangetsu's names are associated with the Moon,there is no three attacks from Ichigo's sword.Rukia's on the other hand had only one named after the Moon,which is the first dance.

in any case...

                At first,I thought....what's with the attack's names?I really couldn't comprehend the purpose of that part,until...

In regard to the poems themselves, and how they connect to Orihime, Ichigo supposedly "locks Heaven" (which is odd because Urahara says that Ichigo gave Orihime and Chad the KEYS to open their is this saying that Ichigo is still holding back something from Orihime without knowing?) And Rukia's poem can also be re-worded as "The moon erases the night" (becuz that's the literal translation...). The "night" reminds me of HM, so it makes sense that Rukia wants to eclipse/erase the night for Orihime. She basically screamed as much right before she "died" anyway. ^_^

               I don't know if it's just me,or was it because of the word "heaven" in the poem?The word "heaven" might be symbolizing Orihime?Because Orihime's powers are connected to "heaven"?Ichigo's poem might be
about him holding back something from Orihime?Rukia wants to erase the night for Orihime?To be honest,it sounds to me that Orihime might be the protagonist of BLEACH ^.^'>,because it seems like she was the center of everything there.

Let's see...

click this --->  SOUL's and VIBE's Poem Analysis

I hope everyone enjoyed reading ^m^


Anonymous said...

you have such a great insightful skill! I know that Black sun is representing Ichigo and White moon for Rukia. It's very obvious to me. But what I don't understand is how Ichihime fans can come up with such a logic in the first place. People believe what they want to believe huh?

Thanks for writing such a amazing essay. Keep up a good work. I enjoy every minutes reading your works.

Anonymous said...

kawaichappy this amazing essay why don,t you try to post it in deathberry forum?i read all of your essay and i agree 100% with you. i have one question for you when urahara cut ichigo chain of fate do you think he is already die and his human body function as gigai i,m just curious or it might be a hint if tite decided ichigo to live in ss? o one more think why don,t you write an essay comparison betwen ichigo behavior toward orihime and ishida behavior toward orihime.

kawaichappy said...

Thanks for reading ^.^

Hmm,I cannot post this in deathberry forum because I don't have an account there ^.^ I am so busy because of work,so I don't have much time joining any forums.I only have one at Mangafox,and I couldn't even keep up that much,so...

Plus,I am not an avid fan to do so ^.^ I am just writing as a past time,and I choose this topic because it's really entertaining.

About Urahara cutting Ichigo's chain,I do think that Ichigo is just using his body like a gigai.It was said in the manga that once it was severed,the person will die.Urahara even said that the only way to stay alive is to become a shinigami.

About IchiOriIshi essay,I've been thinking about it,but I still have a lot of topics to discuss first.I wanted to write an essay about the things that I think was being misinterpreted hugely by some readers.Plus,I am currently re-writing everything because I noticed that I forgot to mention a lot of things in some of them (blame it to me being tired and sleepy when I wrote them).Actually,I am currently re-writing this,but this time I will make sure that I have covered everything that I am planning to discuss.I forgot to put the "how to analyze a poem" step by step for this topic.I'll try to finish it until May 8,it's my restday ^m^

Anonymous said...

Bows down XD

Brilliant essay!!! I have been waiting for quite some time for someone to write an essay on this topic, and you did not disappoint!! I loved how you made sure to answer every single point the other person made. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this.

Anonymous said...

jeez you must have a pretty boring life if you dedicate that much on overthink stuff that the author never meant, yes orihime is a simbolic sun for many characters and ichigo.

Unknown said...

Lmao woooow 😂😂😂