
Friday, May 4, 2012

A Theory About Hollow Ichigo (white Zangetsu)

                  Among all the characters from the BLEACH manga,Ichigo's Hollow is the most interesting character to analyze (based from my own perspective of interesting ^.^'>). I've seen a lot of speculations regarding his true nature and personality,most especially,the way he behaved at the Dome.

                  Based from my observations in BLEACH fandom,it seems that most of the readers (shippers and non shippers) used to see Hollow Ichigo as nothing but a blood lust creature,who only loves fighting and is just waiting for a chance to devour Ichigo's body/soul.

Here's what some people used to say...

the hollow knows Ichigo's relationship,because it is HIM.darker,violent and sadistic part of him (although tamed,will find any chance he gets to take over).---IchiHime/IchiOri

IchiThing ran on Ichigo's raw instinct,if there is anyone in need of protection,he will protect because that is the man Ichigo is.

                  In order to find out if it's true that Hollow Ichigo is really just waiting for a chance to devour Ichigo's body/soul,let's go and see...

When does Hollow Ichigo usually shows up.

let's start with this scene...

                  Do you remember that particular scene?That is the first time that his hollow mask appeared (minus the time when he gained his shinigami power during his training with Urahara),it was after his fight with Renji in SS during his mission to rescue Rukia.Hanataro was so surprised to see that the wound on Ichigo's left torso that was supposed to be a fatal one,just appeared to be shallow.Why?...

because this thing saved him...

Hanataro said that he found that hollow mask inside Ichigo's robe.

                  Hanataro said that the hollow mask is the thing that blocked Renji's fatal attack.Did you know that this isn't the only time that this kind of incident occur?

                  This scene was after his fight with Kenpachi.Yoruichi also found a hollow mask with him..Just like Hanataro,Yoruichi have also commented that the hollow mask is the thing that saved Ichigo from Kepachi's attack.She thought that Ichigo brought it along with him,but look at Ichigo's reaction,he was surprised to see the hollow mask once again...why?

                  He told Yoruichi that is is also the thing that saved him from Renji's fatal blow earlier,but Hanataro asked him to throw it away,that's why,he threw it away in the sewers.In that case,it means that the hollow mask that Yoruichi found after his fight with Kenpachi,is a new one.

Come to think of it,did you noticed this scene during his fight with Kenpachi?

                  Zangetsu said that he was stopping Ichigo's wound from bleeding.Does this mean that he is the one who put the hollow's mask to protect Ichigo?

                  In the following chapters next to the SS Arc (Arrancar Arc/Hueco Mundo Arc),it is explained that Hollow Ichigo is a part of Zangetsu,and both of them are a part of Ichigo's power/himself.I believed that it already explained the point that the hollow mask is also Zangetsu,neh?

Now,let's move on to see Ichigo's fight with Byakuya...

                  During Ichigo's fight with Byakuya,the hollow literally took over.Unlike in his previous fights,only a mask appeared to protect him from the enemy's fatal blows.What is the difference between his fights with Renji and Kenpachi against Byakuya?

it was this...

                 As you can see,Ichigo can no longer fight against Byakuya.Compared to his fight with Renji and Kenpachi where Ichigo still have the strength to fight and win with a little help from Zangetsu (protecting him using the hollow's mask to block an attack),his fight with Byakuya is even more dangerous,that a simple blocking of an attack won't help him anymore.

note : Ichigo regained his control because of his strong determination to win in his own way.

                 This changes showed that the more Ichigo's life was being threatened,the more the hollow interfere.In other words,the hollow usually appear when Ichigo's life was being threatened,and the amount of his interference depends on how fatal it could be.

* * * * *

                  Now,in order to find out the reason why he was interfering Ichigo's fights,and if it's true that he was just a blood lust creature that only loves fighting,let's go and check...

Why does Hollow Ichigo shows up?

                  After showing you the times when Hollow Ichigo usually shows up/interfere is when Ichigo's life was being threatened,let's now find out the reason why he was doing that...

                  I believe that,that particular scene have already give us a hint as to why is he interfering Ichigo's fights,neh?Hollow Ichigo interfered his fight,because he didn't want Ichigo to die.He said it clearly,if Ichigo dies,he will suffer as well.In other words,he needs Ichigo to win and stay alive.The reason why he was scolding Ichigo here...

                  He's angry because Ichigo got scared of Byakuya's bankai and become unable to move.Because of Ichigo's fear after feeling the pressure of Byakuya's bankai,he became weak and unable to fight with Byakuya.

                  Did you know that it wasn't the only time that Hollow Ichigo have scolded/mock him for being weak?In fact,he does the same thing here...

                  That was the first time he saw Hollow Ichigo in his inner world,it was during his fight with Kenpachi.He's telling Ichigo that he have a very powerful sword,he shouldn't end up lying half dead on the ground and was there bleeding like crazy,he was so annoyed.

                   Notice that he was telling an important information to Ichigo (concerning his power,his sword,Zangetsu),every time he shows up in his inner world.Why is he doing that?If you look closely at what he was doing,obviously,he was teaching him how to control/use his power.In that case,don't you think,if he really wanted to devour Ichigo (like most of the readers usually think),he would actually do that?

                   No matter when he showed up to Ichigo in his inner world,he was giving him a hint,as to how he can use Zangetsu (and he's a part of Zangetsu). Be it during his fight with Kenpachi,even during his fight with Byakuya,and during his training with the Vizaards,all he does is to explain things about his power,about Zangetsu,and what are the things he needs to do/know about Zangetsu,to be able to use him.Based from that chain of events,it's clear that he wanted Ichigo to be able to use/control his power,because he wants him to win,so he could stay alive,because if Ichigo dies,he'll definitely die as well,since he's just a part of him (Ichigo),and he's the only reason why he exists.He even said that bluntly...

                   See the difference in his aura compared to when he was talking to Ichigo?Every time he was facing Ichigo,he seemed to like mocking him a lot,but here we can see his peaceful appearance.And what is he saying here?He's simply saying that he wants Ichigo to win,that's why however he was unwilling to help,he'll still help if needed.It seems like he was just impatient every time Ichigo was being scared,and weak (because his life depends on him).

The reason why he said this...

                  See that?....that's the reason why he was interfering Ichigo's fights.....if Ichigo was lacking his determination (to read more explanation about,how can his determination affect his chance of winning the fights,please read here ) because he got scared and starts losing his faith in his own powers,it would only lead to his death (their deaths)....He's telling Ichigo,that the reason why he didn't want him to become the King,is because he was weak,which simply means that as long as he was strong and determined to win,he won't complain being the horse,he just didn't want to be controlled by someone who is weaker than him.How could he entrust his life with someone who is weaker than him?He'll only end up dying helplessly.Seriously,Hollow Ichigo is teaching him how to control his power,how to use his sword,how to use Zangetsu.Isn't he a part of Zangetsu?Apparently,he was teaching the person that he wanted to devour,as to how he can control him?That's weird.

That's why after seeing a little bit of wanting to fight and win from Ichigo...

                  Hollow Ichigo told him that he'll let him to be the King,but if he showed a bit of laziness (lacking determination to win a fight),it is when he'll take over again,so,Ichigo have to do his best not to die.This clearly shows that Hollow Ichigo just really wanted Ichigo to stay alive.

emphasizing this part...

                   Hallow Ichigo wants to devour him (like most of the readers used to think)?then why does he wanted Ichigo to win?wouldn't it be more favorable for him,if he loses a fight?In that case,he can finally take over,but no....he needs him to live....that's why he said,no matter how unwilling he is to help,he's still going to help.

then why did he said this?...

                   From my own POV...and I mean,just from my own POV,I didn't mean that this is the exact thing,okay? ^m^

I think what he meant there,was this...

He means,it (Ichigo's power)will become his,because they will become one.

                   Ichigo is the source of their (Zangetsu and Hollow Ichigo) powers,and their lives,that's why they needed him to live.If you think about it,he really didn't mean to devour Ichigo,he just needed to take control in order to be able to protect Ichigo.This is why I believe,he's not just waiting for him to let his guard down,so he can take over.He's just telling Ichigo to take care of himself,and when he couldn't fight any longer,that is when he will show up,because he didn't want to die,and not because he wanted to devour Ichigo.Hollow Ichigo is just using Ichigo's fear of him to do his best.If he didn't really wanted his hollow to take over,then become stronger so he can take the throne of the King (domination to his soul).He's just trying to give Ichigo a reason to get stronger,win,and not to die.He was simply provoking Ichigo to defeat him (Hollow),and win the fight.Unfortunately,what happened is the opposite.Ichigo just became weaker,the reason why TZ was so sad and angry here...


                   Ichigo didn't understand his own power.He thought it will devour him,the reason why he kept on failing to protect his friends during the Arrancar's up until the HM.

                   See? Hollow Ichigo is not actually an enemy,or something that is actually bad for Ichigo.All he wants for him is to be stronger and take care of himself.This theory was proven to be true,after his blatant revelation here...

                   Well,his revelation definitely matched up with his previous actions,don't you think?Teaching Ichigo how to use his sword,his power,which is Zangetsu and him as a part of it,so Ichigo could win a fight.Like I was saying,if he really wanted to devour Ichigo,he will never teach Ichigo how to control Zangetsu (him as a part of it). And lastly,showing up every time he was about to be killed by the enemy.All those actions proves that he really is protecting Ichigo.

Before I leave this part of the topic,I wanted to address this part...

                   Someone asked me,Hollow Ichigo comes up when Ichigo's life was being threatened,but why he didn't show up after Ichigo was stabbed by Ulquiora (with his hand) in this particular scene?During his fight with Byakuya,he showed up when he couldn't move any longer.

                    After taking my time to think about it,I came to analyze the difference between the two situation.What is their difference?Look closely please?

                  That is what happened during his fight with Byakuya at the Sokyouku hill.In this fight,Hollow Ichigo showed up...when?

                     Right,Hollow Ichigo showed up before Byakuya managed to swung down his sword towards Ichigo,as his finishing blow.On the other hand,let's go back to what happened during his fight with Ulquiora.
What did Ulquiora do,after stabbing Ichigo with his bare hands?...

                   As you can see,Ulquiora didn't attack him any further after stabbing him.Ulquiora left right after he stabbed Ichigo,he even told him to leave if he can still  move.With Byakuya's fight,Byakuya is determined to finish him off,and wanted to give him a final attack,though he was already unable to move.Judging by the situation,it's clear that,with Byakuya's fight he was forced to continue fighting,but he couldn't move anymore,so...Hollow Ichigo who didn't want to die,shows up to continue the fight for him.At the HM,during his fight with Ulquiora,he didn't have to continue fighting,since Ulquiora left him right away.There's no need for him to continue fighting,so Hollow Ichigo didn't have to show up.


                   Hollow Ichigo told him that he'll let him to be the King,but if he showed a bit of laziness (lacking determination to win a fight),it is when he'll take over again,so,Ichigo have to do his best not to die.

                   In their first match at the HM,Ichigo wasn't dying already,he's just fainting and Ulquiora isn't interested in finishing him off at that moment.At the Dome,Ichigo was already dying,the time that Hollow Ichigo told him that he will take over,so,he did.

for the final part of this essay...

* * * * *

How does Hollow Ichigo takes over?

                   That was the first time Hollow Ichigo told him how things are turning the way they does.Let's analyze his words here...

Hollow Ichigo : As far as a body containing more than one inhabitant is concerned,when master and the servant decide to switch,naturally,the body's appearance changes as well...And just as bodies are wrapped in meat during life,upon death,we will be reduced to nothing but bone.It's the same truths.

                   The way I interpreted his words,this explains that,when Ichigo uses the Hollow's mask,he's drawing powers from Zangetsu (hollow's side),it's like him who was deciding to let him (hollow) take control,but not completely,that's why he was still in his shinigami form,only with a mask of a hollow.The more the hollow is taking control,the more his mask's appearance is changing as well.That is the reason why his mask,or rather should I say,his hollow form kept on changing,because Hollow Ichigo's dominance is becoming stronger.The more Ichigo draws (allow) powers from hollow Ichigo,the more he took control of his powers.It was also the same as,the more Ichigo was injured,the more he was able to control his soul.That means,if Ichigo is getting weaker (like a corpse that rot,and was reducing into nothing but bone),the dominance is being transferred to Hollow Ichigo and Zangetsu,which was the inner part of him,like what the bones are.As Ichigo was getting weaker,like a body that was wrapped in meat and slowly reducing into bone,Hollow Ichigo and Zangetsu (as one),is becoming visible,like they are gaining the dominance.As a result,Hollow Ichigo or Zangetsu to be exact,becomes able to take the control of his powers,and soul.When Ichigo gets weaker at the Dome,Hollow Ichigo gained the complete dominance to his soul,that's why his appearance is more of a hollow than a shinigami.After Ichigo finally understands everything about Zangetsu,he became able to use their powers.As a result,when Ichigo and Zangetsu becomes one,their appearance changes as well according to the amount of their dominance.

A/N :

                    So,that's why things happened the way they are (according to my analysis)...Hollow Ichigo showing up,because Ichigo is getting weaker (because of his fear from his own power),and become unable to defeat his enemies at the Arrancar and the HM arc,which made him unable to protect his nakamas.Ichigo kept on shoving off Hollow Ichigo,because he doesn't understand why is he interfering his fights,he thought that he was hindering his desire to protect his nakamas,and that he was something that will bring harm to him and the people that was dear to him.(*ゝ_●・)σ


miranlin said...

Wow! That was extremely insightful. Thank you for going into so much depth, concerning Hichigo's motives and actions. It's subtle, but once you point it out, it becomes obvious that Hichigo is not just an evil form of Zangetsu wanting to take over Ichigo, but actually his instincts trying to train him to survive. The part about Zangetsu and Hichigo switching places during matters of life or death was extremely insightful!

You do great work, I love your blog!

Unknown said...

So many years later, and yet it seems you were fairly close to the truth in the first place. Say hi to the true Zangetsu.