
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Masaki,Rukia and Orihime parallel

               Some (if not all) Ichihime's are trying to associate Orihime with Masaki,and I think anyone would be able to figure out why ^.^ Therefore,I have taken the liberty to analyze this  particular assumptions and see for myself if KT is really associating Orihime with Masaki.

My Analysis

Ichigo's Vow To Protect

"Moving on...Also K is pointing out that protecting is what Ichigo does, so it's nothing special. But then why is he highlighted as only saying "I will protect you" to ONLY 2 people: Mommy and Wifey Orihime? Oh. Right. Kubo was sniffin' coke that week"---IchiHime

               Ichigo made a promise to fight for Chad,which also means that he will protect him.Since Chad won't defend/protect/fight for himself,he'll be the one who will defend/protect/fight for him instead.In other words,Ichigo made the same promise to Chad,a promise to protect him and the things that he wanted to protect as well.

               I've seen some people who doesn't want to acknowledge this as a promise to protect Rukia just because the word PROTECT isn't used in the sentence,but the word SAVE instead.



To remove from danger

deliver, extricate, rescue, free, set free, liberate, release, emancipate, ransom, redeem, come to the rescue of, snatch from the jaws of death, wrest from danger, defend; see also rescue 1.

To preserve

conserve, keep, put up, protect; see preserve 3.

...and when some of them realized this,they end up saying something like this...

"This returns to the same theme, Renji’s desire to save her versus Ichigo’s having to save Rukia. They swore they wouldn’t allow her to die. Viz Translations says they are saying “Myself”


Ichigo & Renji : Tamashi nida (魂 tamashi ; a soul,spirit)

               They said "to my SOUL".When they (Ichihime's) said Ichigo have to save Rukia,it's obvious that they are bringing the DEBT argument,right?


Ichigo : I remember now,the reason why I wanted to save you SO MUCH.

               Ichigo said "I REMEMBER now,the REASON why I wanted to save you SO MUCH"...could it be that Ichigo accidentally bumped his head onto something that made him forget about his DEBT,which is the REASON why he wanted HAVE to save Rukia?

though,I saw him always talking about it here...

               Frankly speaking,it's obvious that the exact REASON why Ichigo wanted to save Rukia SO MUCH is absolutely not his DEBT.

now,let's compare (to make things more interesting)...

               The expressions alone are enough to show the HUGE difference from Ichigo's determination,yet,some people refuse to acknowledge the facial expressions.Interestingly,even during Orihime's rescue,we never see Ichigo as someone that emotional and determined to save her,not to mention...

- Rukia's/Mom's/Chad's aren't forced from Ichigo.No one tells him to promise anything.Ichigo said that in his own accord.

- Orihime's was forced by Rukia.

..and most importantly...

               Seriously,it wasn't just Masaki and Orihime as those people wants to put it.Ichigo wants to protect mountain loads of people,and he never made a promise only to Masaki and Orihime.Seems like they are the ones who was sniffing coke while reading BLEACH,eh?

               However,since those people really wanted to associate Orihime with Masaki,they never paid much attention to the fact that Rukia asked Ichigo to promise that he will get stronger and protect (his FRIENDS) Orihime.

Instead,they just focused their attention to this...

"You can change the bottom sentence to "Orihime who always protects me". After all, Orihime went to SS to protect Ichigo, she went to HM to protect Ichigo. Who else in Bleach has been shown to want to protect Ichigo as much as Orihime has. And she has lived up to it, protecting him as much as she could. She still feels like she hasn't protected him enough, but you can't deny that in the manga, she's protected him alot, whether it's healing him, keeping him within his healing shield in chapter 310, putting up a defensive shield to protect him from Ulquiorra's strike. And she still will continue to protect him."

Though,I wanted to emphasize this part...

"Who else in Bleach has been shown to want to protect Ichigo as much as Orihime has."

               Chad made a promise that he'll fight for Ichigo (means protect him),and he'll put his life on the line  to protect anything that he wanted to protect as well.In other words,he'll risk his life for Ichigo as well,and he's definitely living up to it.

                Ishida risked his life for the sake of protecting Ichigo's humanity.He never cared whether Ichigo have turned into a full hollow,he's still worried about Ichigo's well being.Ishida tried to stop him from doing something that he will regret in the future (and indeed,Ichigo regretted what he have done to Ulquiora,what more if Ishida didn't stopped him?).While (cough) Orihime (cough) was just standing at the sideline watching everything.

               Someone might argue that this is done out of DEBT again,but people needs to understand...DEBTS are just their excuses.People needs to realize that like Nel,she became so much attached to Ichigo,because he was always protecting her.

besides,if people really wants to put it that way,it means that this...

Ichigo : ...if that's so,I want to protect Mom.Mom,who always protect me.

               ...desire to protect his MOM,is all because of his DEBTS as well,don't you think?Ichigo wanted to protect his Mom,BECAUSE she was always protecting him.Not realizing that it was because his Mom always protects him that made him so fond of her.He knew that she cared so much for him.

which made this assumptions...

"You can change the bottom sentence to "Orihime who always protects me". After all, Orihime went to SS to protect Ichigo, she went to HM to protect Ichigo."

               ...something that sounds like Ichigo just wanted to protect Orihime because of DEBTS as well,right?He wants to protect her BECAUSE she was protecting him?Really,try re-reading your own arguments.

carrying on...

You can say what ever you want at the last panel...

yet...these panels PAWNS it all...

a/n : I wish I knew how to use spoiler tags here,sigh

                Rukia wants to take the fight against GJ (that's why she told him to run),even though she knew that GJ was a lot stronger than her because she knew that Ichigo was not in the right condition to fight (he was tensed).The rest of the panels are obvious enough,so,I won't say anything to add there.

                Rukia is the only ONE so far in the manga have protected Ichigo with her own body.There is no one who have ever done this for him until now...

except ONE...and you know who it was...

Masaki (Ichigo's Mom)

Ironically,in BLEACH there are lots of parallels,like this...

               While Orihime turned out asking for a HELP from her rescuer,despite seeing that he's totally beaten up (please read here to read my theory about,why she did that)...

                ...Rukia is asking Ichigo to leave,because she didn't want him to die (she wanted to protect him),though she is the one who's going to die at that moment.


               While Orihime remained standing from where she was,and just yelled Ichigo's name when he was going to be attacked by Ulquiora behind him...

               Rukia on the other hand,uses her own body and jumped in front of Ichigo to protect him from the blow.

Ahem! what did they said again?

"Who else in Bleach has been shown to want to protect Ichigo as much as Orihime has."

               I hope I have given the answer to that question (cough) even much better than (cough) Orihime's,right?

Orihime Is The Sun That Ichigo Revolves Around

"Also, speaking of Ichigo's family revolving around Masaki, I see Orihime fulfilling the same role. Is it any wonder that Kubo has twice had characters associate Orihime to the sun (Ulquiorra to Ichigo, and Aizen to Orihime)? I've said it before, Orihime is the sun that Ichigo revolves around, he just doesn't realize it yet. That's why the end of chapter 238 was very symbolic of the sun setting in Ichigo's life as he knelt in Orihime's room alone after. When and if Kubo does have Orihime interact with the Kurosaki family soon, I can see Ichigo feeling like all is right in his universe again because his sun has returned to him."

click this --->  Orihime is not the "Sun"

Drawing Masaki and Orihime in the same stance.

"You're not the only who noticed that, LittleMiss. This panel is almost exactly the same as the one where Masaki was consenting to Ichigo's request to hold her hand. Orihime has taken on the same stance and has a similar smile to boot. It's amazing to say the least. I wonder if Ichigo has ever stopped to think how similar those two really are... Probably not. Maybe he has noticed now and again but brushed it off as coincedence and nostalgia. I'm sure he must have at least had a sense of deja vu when Orihime did that."

              I couldn't believe than even these things can be seen as a potential hint for shipping ^.^ I have also come across some links where they mentioned that Orihime and Masaki looked alike.However,instead of comparing their appearance/personality/possible nature,why not compare how Ichigo used to behave when
the subject is Orihime vs Masaki?

Deja vu....hmmm....

I think it was something like this...

Smile again,Ichigo

                Ichigo used to cry after getting defeated,but he started smiling again whenever he saw the face of his Mom.

kinda similar to this...

that was Ichigo after getting defeated by Yammy...

                ...and that is what Orihime said after seeing Ichigo's changes in behavior after seeing Rukia.The one with Masaki was told by Tatsuki,while the one with Rukia's was told by Orihime.

That was Ichigo after Ginjo took his Fullbring...

Ichigo automatically stopped crying after seeing Rukia again,didn't he? ^.^

Fight for PRIDE : fights for Masaki and Rukia  (GrandIchi vs GrimmIchi 1st/3rd match & ByaIchi)

GrandIchi vs GrimmIchi 1st match

Both times,Ichigo didn't want to let the enemy go,even though he's already losing strength.

Both times made Ichigo felt lost terribly...

GrandIchi vs GrimmIchi 3rd match

Both girls saying "Don't die Ichigo (Kurosaki kun)",with Rukia praying it silently to herself.

GrandIchi vs ByaIchi fight

Both times was highlighted that Ichigo wants to fight/do it himself...

Both times watched by the woman who was restraining themselves from giving him a hand,because they knew that he wants to fight alone.

Both girls catches Ichigo after his fight (Orihime's failed version),and both girls thanking him for staying alive (with Rukia,Ichigo is unconscious).

so much of a coincidence,don't you think?

...and most importantly....always remember this...

When did the rain starts pouring in Ichigo's heart?

ans : When his Mom died.

Who made that rain stop?

ans : Rukia

what is the rain again?

the RAIN symbolizes Ichigo's sadness...

               It's simple isn't it?Masaki was being highlighted to be the one that can make Ichigo smile in no time,even after crying.Just like how Rukia was able to do it as well,more than anyone in the manga.

My Analysis's result...

Masaki's parallel = Rukia


Anonymous said...

Great essay! I have one question regarding this subject though. At the end of chapter 56 Broken Coda Ichigo states "I came to protect you but it was me who received help again" when he discovered that Rukia did what she did in order to protect him. Could this be considered a parallel to Masaki because up to that point in the mangaMasaki and Rukia are the only ones shown to have protected IIchigo. However that does not mean that they are the only ones that have protected Ichigo, others characters are shown protecting Ichigo later on in the story. :) I would really like your opinion on this because I think that you are a fabulous analyzer of stories. Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed the essay. :)

kawaichappy said...

I didn't put that part from "Broken Coda" because Ichigo does protect people whoever they are.I did mentioned that there are other characters that are protecting Ichigo,yet it is still Rukia who have protected him with her own body,just like Masaki.No one has ever than that up until now in the manga.However,what makes Rukia as a parallel to Masaki,is her ability to make him smile or stop crying,wen no one else can.

Anonymous said...

First off I want to say that I am a HUGE ichiruki fan, which would cause some bias if I were to write essays like yours (that's why I don't...). I really enjoy reading analyses, of bleach in particular, so I really like reading your essays. You havn't posted in a few weeks, so I went to go looke for other essays I could read. I did find some, but the people writing the essays were obviously biased, and did not give good points to support their opinion. They were biased towards ichiruki, which is why I read them in the first place, but their arguments were either not backed or not justified. Thanks for writing something that supports what is actually in the manga, not just what you want to happen.

kawaichappy said...

Thanks for reading.I wasn't able to post new topics lately because I am currently working on something that is interconnected with a lot of arguments.Plus,I am busy and tired from work,so I only used to write essays when I'm on the mood ^.^

Anonymous said...

That's cool, I just think its great you take time to do this! :D

Unknown said...

You are really a perfect analyzer...thank you for your great work

MiTsuki said...

As interesting as your analyses are, it's pretty unfair to compare Rukia's battling abilities with Orihime. It's not Rukia's fault that she couldn't summon barriers from far away & all she could do is to protect Ichigo with only her own body. It's not Orihime's fault that she couldn't move as fast being a human, not knowing flash steps, & her only capable power of protecting is to summon barriers. If you insist on using body then oh, don't forget the one part where she put herself in between Ichigo & her brother. Going to Hueco Moundo by her own is also one way of protecting him with her body too...

Huge different expressions
Try looking that up again during
- Ichigo, Ukitake, & Yamamoto discussion (Renji had to hold him back from screaming & yet he still insisted on saving her)
- Ichigo vs Ulquiorra (when he attacked the latter the moment Ulquiorra mentioned her name. Yes, Ulquiorra pointed out that he still doubted Orihime's innocence, but the fact Ichigo went to HM to save her, despite still having slight pretty much showed his determination to bring her back, no?)
- Ichigo vs Grimmjow (albeit weak, "Let her go")

Smile again,Ichigo:
Rukia was not the only one encouraging him btw. When she went away to Soul Society for execution, Ichigo was in a dilemma & the one who casted all his doubts was Orihime. You forgot to include the part where he was greatly affected by Orihime's fear in his fight against Grimmjow, but with one cheer from Orihime he was able to gain the upper hand right away. With a smile! "Seems like I'm not allowed to take anymore damage than this"
Orihime was able to state & notice those words mostly because she had her eyes on Ichigo. As much as it strengthens IchiRuki, it proves IchiHime too. I mean, whoever would notice the littlest things regarding their love interest anyway, right?
Of course, regarding Ichigo physically crying, he did that only once & the person who first stopped that was indeed Rukia :)

Orihime Is The Sun That Ichigo Revolves Around
There were hints of that, including Ulquiorra's "the sun is already set in our hands" after having Orihime agree to going to Soul Society
Extra: Rukia is officially symbolized as the White Moon. Tho this sun-revolving thingy to associate IchiRuki, IchiHime, or anyone with Masaki was pretty illogical in my opinion

GrandIchi vs ByaIchi fight
If you're trying to point Orihime's leaving Ichigo on the ground: it just happened that Ichigo fell ontop of Rukia, while he fell head first onto Orihime's. The latter's not the type to take advantage & pick him up after he landed unless what you wanted to point was the fact IchiRuki hints were stronger coz Kubo made Ichigo land ontop of Rukia, then that's pretty much true. But it's a Masaki-parallel discussion, so...

I was an early IchiRuki shipper as well as current IchiHime & RenRuki shipper, tho reading your analyses, it was dead biased of BOTH the IchiHime statements you quoted & how you left out some crucial information for such discussion. Not sure if you're gonna approve my comment considering what I typed so far looked like pro-IchiHime hints against your IchiRuki/Rukia=Masaki analyses, but I'm just trying to be fair & consider all the situations proven for both characters (Rukia & Orihime) in your comparison to Masaki- no offense intended

Anonymous said...

To MiTsuki

Hi! I just wanted to point out my opinion here: About it being unfair for comparing Rukia and Orihime's battle abilities. . . I don't think that's the point. Ignoring the fact that it's NOT their battle abilities being compared but the fact HOW they managed to protect Ichigo, I think the comparison is how IR's MORE paralleled with Masaki's saving of Ichigo than IH's. Remember the title of the essay, it's "IR vs IH: Masaki, Rukia, Orihime parallel". The way he was saved from "direct attack" was what was being compared (w/c is non-existent on Orihime's part). Because of lack-of-parallel, I guess it will looked bias/ unfair. If you are going to say that it's because that's Inoue's character, she's a normal(?) human with no extraordinary reflexes, OF COURSE she can't save him like that. Then I'll reply in two words:

"Authorial Intent".

I think it's on purpose that the only women in Ichigo's life who would go so far as to become his shield and protector (at all times, even the most crucial- Inoue proved she couldn't w/ Ulquiorra's) are his mother. . . and Rukia.

If the KT really wanted, he could have done the same scene w/ Inoue (heck! He have plenty of chances!). But he let Inoue stand on the sideline and watch in awe of Ichigo. I think it's more of a ground argument to say that Riruka ALSO SAVED HIM(them, actually) by jumping in front of them. Unfortunately, this essay is not "Riruka, Masaki, Rukia Parallel". It's so obvious she's not Masaki's parallel. Moreover, the one that swayed Riruka into action is also Rukia, so . . .

And, even if you cancel that part (because it's Riruka that saved them), there's still the parallel scene since the FIRST CHAPTER. And KT actually intended the Riruka scene to parallel first chapter so. . . that argument is invalid (just warning you).

Oh! I also want to remind you, she didn't put herself BETWEEN Ichigo and her brother. Her brother ATTACKED her, but what did she do? She ACCEPTED that attack because she knew it was her brother. She wanted to convey her feelings to HER BROTHER. I find no indication that stated/implied that she did that to PROTECT Ichigo from "an attack/danger".

As for your other arguments for IH. . . hmm, I hate to break it to you but that's really not on point. I know the essay seemed to be against IH, but that's only because the essay is about the comparison of the parallels between IH-IM and IR-IM. Honestly, it was so obvious who the parallel is about, it's just some IH shippers insisting that the parallel was about Orihime's not Rukia's that resulted to this essay. Who is the "parallel" of Masaki. The answer is Rukia.

It's just that. It seemed to be against IH because the debate is parallels (I'm surprised they managed to find proper parallels for Orihime). Because of lack of proper hints and parallels (authorial intent), the answer is obvious.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm strongly pro IchiHime. Why would human get together with shinigami anyway??? Rukia and Ichigo are just like Sakura and Naruto. Orihime is like Hinata of course. So, in the end it will all be the same.

Anonymous said...

Tbh I really ship ichiruki. And I think Ichigo is closer to Rukia than to Orihime. But since it's this kind of shounen manga that isn't into romance, I think ichigo will end up with orihime at the final chapter. The reason is simple, because Rukia is a soul (this is what my imagination tells me: the mangaka purposely give 2 possible love interests, confuse us which one is the precious friend and which one is the final love interest. Then end it with an ending lack of romance stuff such as a little panel showing Ichigo and Orihime's family). But I hope that I'm wrong, lol. I ship ichiruki after all.

MiTsuki said...

To Anonymous on December 28, 2015 at 1:34 PM:

Hello there!

Sorry, I was pointing at how the author of this article wrote bout how these two's abilities work to judge their effort on saving Ichigo...the way they work with their battle mechanism doesn't reflect their needs enough to show their desire to protect the hero. I mean...if one could swing a spear, the holder wouldn't necessarily want to hold the head to have short-distance fight, wouldn't he? Just like Orihime, she doesn't necessarily has to get to the back of Ichigo to protect him since her barrier can be summoned long distance. Perhaps it's also manga, but it also can be seen that she's too quick in acting that she summoned a barrier before her human body could get there by human foot, unlike Rukia who can do Flash Steps

About Authorial Intent, I couldn't help seeing Orihime in Masaki FIRST, before getting able to read on analyzed works of how Rukia is more similar to Masaki compared to Orihime. Before anyone started analyzing to this extent, I believe readers could see her bubbly demeanor, love for eating, & rashness to jump into action, resembles Orihime greatly. Though there are later scenes & poses in certain panels that do resemble moments of Rukia with Ichigo too owo

By the way Inoue did protect a different situation perhaps. Albeit being messed up inwardly (as mentioned by Ulquiorra & Grimmjow) she summoned a barrier without a second thought of how she would get in trouble with Ulquiorra. She rushed to Ichigo's dead body although Ulquiorra was around clearly to keep her away. Being threatened by Grimmjow as well, she refused to fully heal Ichigo in hope he wouldn't get into another battle...then got her ass half-kicked

Nope, I was pointing at the scene when Sora went for Ichigo who got in between him & Orihime. She was in the second floor of a house, trembling with fear & confusion, then got there the next second. She could've sat back all along, watch, or fled, but choosing to get in between to hug her brother as well as being the one to receive the attack instead, it was not fair if the author said she hadn't try to shield Ichigo with her body

My point is that...IR vs IH- that's the name title of this blog, not the article. Title of the article is solely "Masaki, Rukia and Orihime parallel". So if anyone were to measure the possibility of IchiRuki or IchiHime happening with how much either girl's similar to's pretty absurd in my opinion, coz being similar to the mother doesn't mean anything about a ship happening. Just like plenty of other fans- mostly IchiRuki fans, as seen mostly in YT comments & forums- Ichigo wouldn't necessarily have this mother-fetish thing to be with only the girl who resembles Masaki the most. He could be with anyone, coz he's not Isshin who married Masaki. He's Kurosaki Ichigo, a different entity. He could end up with the helpful strong-personality Rukia, the homey next-door-girl Orihime, or perhaps someone else entirely like Tatsuki, & I'm pretty sure it's not because he's looking at them like he's looking at his own mother (else, that's a little creepy, don't you think? Lol)

Also: dearie, thank you sooo much for your politeness & reasonable reply! How nice it is to have a friendly discussion within Bleach fans although with differing OTP's >w</